Top 5 tips for cycling to work!

- Use a cycle route planner
You may feel nervous about certain roads or junctions – but if you plan ahead it may be possible to find alternative routes that make you feel more comfortable, or indeed just routes which are more scenic and enjoyable. Visit CycleStreets to map your journey from A to B.
You could also try out the journey at the weekend when roads are less busy and motorists generally feel less pressure to get to their destination!
- Take it one step at a time
You don’t need to cycle the whole way to feel the benefits. Why not coordinate your bike ride with a bus or train, we have docking stations at many transport interchanges now so it’s possible to replace a leg of your journey with a bike ride, rather than all of it!
- Cycling training
Cycling to work can be intimidating if you haven’t done it before but the Bikeability scheme can help with your confidence on the road. The is delivered across the region to help develop the skills and awareness you need to ride on our roads.
- Plan your day
Avoid meetings first thing if you can whilst you’re getting used to your new routine – you don’t want to feel pressured on your commute so build in some flexibility and be kind on yourself.
- Leave some spare clothes at work
If your commute is short you may not need to change your clothes, just ride a little slower and you’ll arrive to work ready to go. However, if you have the facilities to do so and you will feel more comfortable at work in fresh clothes, take a change with you – better still, leave some there just incase.